Meet the Routleys
The Two Wells Bakery is well known in the region as being the best bakery around. We chatted to Haydn Routley, the owner of the bakery, to find out why his bakery is the best.
November 3, 2016 12:49am
How long have you been a baker for? I have been a baker for practically all my life. Realistically it has been about 40 years.
What led you to becoming a baker? I grew up in Port Broughton and my dads best mate was a baker. I got a job working with him when I was young and you could say it was a bit of a parental push for me to continue.
What time do you start? We start at 5am and are open by 5:45am.
Why did you decided to setup shop in Two Wells? I used to travel all around South Australia as a sales rep for bakeries. In my first week, I was sent to Two Wells and visited the Brownies Bakery, as it was known then. The bakery back then didn’t open till 9am and people would queue from about 8:30am just to get their breakfast goodies. Every time I visited the bakery I would take note of what the customers were saying, good and bad!
How long have you been in Two Wells? We officially opened our bakery in March of 2010.
What do you love about Two Wells? I love the extremely strong community spirit that everyone in Two Wells displays. Even though we have been in business here for over 6 years, I am still surprised at how strong it is. I love the way the community comes together and supports each other by lending a hand when help is needed.
People come from all around to visit your bakery, what’s your secret? We believe in good quality food and we pride ourselves on service. We find out what our customer wants and we give it to them as quickly as possible. We try and get a coffee out the door in 40 seconds.
I must give credit to my wife, Pauline, as without her this reputation wouldn’t exist. Her nursing background means that she really cares about people and cares that their experience in our shop is the best ever. This desire is something which sets us apart from the rest.
What’s the most popular item? Our Lamb Shank Pie is by far our most popular item. Recently we won the best bakery in SA competition run by the breakfast crew from Fresh 92.7!