June 6, 2018 1:01am
Eden at Two Wells is selling fast with a new land release launched ahead of schedule and an exciting new display village has just opened.
Already 25% of the Hickinbotham Group’s Land Australia development on Gawler Road, Two Wells, is sold. Due to the strong demand the next land release has been launched ahead of schedule with 900 square metre blocks starting from $165,000.
In a State first, the new village on Magnolia Boulevard at Eden features the largest homes on display in one location and are now open. Featuring large family homes, up to five bedrooms, the displays are built by Hickinbotham, Statesman Homes, SA Housing Centre and Fairmont Homes, with Format Homes’ opening soon.
Eden Two Wells Project Manager, Ruth Vagnarelli has explained, “as more and more people are moving into Eden, there is a real sense of community. It is fantastic to see the development taking shape.”
“ With the new display homes people can really imagine what living at Eden will be like.”
“ The 900 square metre blocks are a recent offering at the estate and they sold quickly in the last release, which has led us to bring forward this next stage. We are finding first home buyers and families wanting space to grow, love the idyllic country environment close to all the facilities of Two Wells township,” she said.
Eden features natural gas, is NBN ready, it is flood protected and has a private sewer. The Two Wells town features established facilities like childcare centres, a primary school, sporting clubs, retail and medical centres. A multi-million dollar Birth to Year 12 Lutheran school will be built at the Land Australia’s adjacent Liberty development off Mallala Road.
To find out more or to register your interest for Eden, please phone 1800 689 511 or visit edentwowells.com.au or visit the Sales Information Centre located on the Main Street, Two Wells open 1- 5pm Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Or visit the new display homes at Magnolia Boulevard in Eden, open 1-5pm Mondays, Wednesdays and weekends.